tisdag 28 april 2009


i had a few minutes to spare when i got the idea to check my blog.

i just wanted to say that comments and followers are more than welcome.
it feels great when a new follower has joined me and it makes me glad to keep on painting and getting things done just so i can post some pics of my progress.

thank you for joining to those who have joined and thank you for the comments.
keep on comment and i will continue my quest.


torsdag 16 april 2009

Its all about workingspace

Hi, i wanted to post some pics of my paintingstation and some of my displayboxes.

i thought it could be nice to show you all where the magic comes from (other than from my brushes) this is where ALL my painting and gluing takes place =)

I must say that it looks like a comet smashed my entire working area... (i cleaned it up just before i took the pic late last night though)... as you might see, the two topp shelfes in the displayboxes contains my black templars. they are allmost finished apart from some minor details like writings on the purity seals and such..

this is where the templars stands at the moment but dont worry, i got a wardrobe
full of unpainted and nonglued marines... maybe i shall take a pic on all undone stuffs that will be recruited as black templars someday, just so you guys understand how much work i have left. ;)

Oh yeah!! allmost forgot! the topp pic is my WIP dread, he is allmost finished. Just a little details like writings on some purityseals and parchment and the base is about to be painted to.

... Yes, it is the "Black reach" dreadnought.. kind of nice painting on it if i may say so.

Next posting will be some pics of "The allmighty wardrobe containing the darkest secrets of the recruiting systems of the black templars" I can imagine all the "Whoa´s" and all the jawdroppings out there when you read this. But do not fear, its perfectly safe, ive been in there alot of times. so... ´til next time.

let the brush show you the way and be carefull when eating fishfingers... They might get stuck in your throat if you dont chew them.